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music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down. please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
posted by mordi at 13:15
Enchanting. And I hardly ever use that term, so it really means a lot here..
By Davecat, at 15 March, 2006 19:54
Hey Davecat! No one`s a bigger Nico fan than me! Thanks Mordi.
By guapo, at 15 March, 2006 20:03
hi 'everyone'you're right- it's a great book- infact, I have 2 different copies!!(i am a massive fan of warhol and that whole superstar era.)and i'd defo recommend it anyone interested in nico too!
By mordi, at 16 March, 2006 13:00
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3 comment(s):
Enchanting. And I hardly ever use that term, so it really means a lot here..
Davecat, at
15 March, 2006 19:54
Hey Davecat! No one`s a bigger Nico fan than me! Thanks Mordi.
guapo, at
15 March, 2006 20:03
hi 'everyone'
you're right- it's a great book- infact, I have 2 different copies!!
(i am a massive fan of warhol and that whole superstar era.)
and i'd defo recommend it anyone interested in nico too!
mordi, at
16 March, 2006 13:00
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