
i get loads of emails from record companies and bands trying to get me to post songs from them, even though they have nothing in common with the blowupdoll vibe.
the postmarks got in contact but they have something to offer us: a great 60's girlpop, spectorish, margo vibe that you'll love.
me like!
7 comment(s):
Dansmoncafe, at
03 November, 2006 21:13
I like this very much
Anonymous, at
04 November, 2006 01:51
Very nice and bouncy, and it fits in perfectly with the older Blow Up Doll-ish songs. Will have to investigate this band. Have you ever heard Andrea Perry? She also has that Margo vibe going for her. Check out the song "Bye Bye" for further proof -- you'd swear it was a lost track from Take A Picture.
Anonymous, at
04 November, 2006 03:34
I love this! I went immediately to iTunes (which I almost never do) and downloaded the EP before the song was over. Thanks!
Anonymous, at
04 November, 2006 03:40
Great tune!! Reminds me of Ivy; And the singer is soo cute!! THANKS
Anonymous, at
04 November, 2006 09:43
Call me nuts, but summon the ghost of Jim Morrison to fill in as vocalist, and this would fit in quite nicely on The Doors' Waiting For The Sun LP (1968), alongside 'Love Street', 'Summer's Almost Gone' and 'We Could Be So Good Together'.
Anonymous, at
09 November, 2006 19:52
i was able to listen to it by left-clicking, but i can not download.
i am distraught.
Anonymous, at
19 November, 2006 09:51
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