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music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down. please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
posted by mordi at 15:18
excellent, reminds me of the great "children of france" LP on phase 4.
By Anonymous, at 03 November, 2006 06:40
They are not french, they are fuckin'Belgium.
By Anonymous, at 03 November, 2006 23:07
How, les Poppys, great piece of my childhood, thanks Mordi ! Remembering the "Love, Lioubov, Amour" record we owned then...(oh, and to the last anonymous user : since they came from Asnières -in France-, I doubt they were Belgians at all)
By Anonymous, at 04 November, 2006 13:38
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3 comment(s):
excellent, reminds me of the great "children of france" LP on phase 4.
Anonymous, at
03 November, 2006 06:40
They are not french, they are fuckin'Belgium.
Anonymous, at
03 November, 2006 23:07
How, les Poppys, great piece of my childhood, thanks Mordi ! Remembering the "Love, Lioubov, Amour" record we owned then...
(oh, and to the last anonymous user : since they came from Asnières -in France-, I doubt they were Belgians at all)
Anonymous, at
04 November, 2006 13:38
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