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music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down. please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
posted by mordi at 08:15
hey...fancy!any particular songs to recommend?
By mordi, at 21 October, 2006 11:09
am i the only one who always mishears some of the lyrics as something rude?
By Anonymous, at 27 October, 2006 11:17
well, you DO have a filthy mind spikedcandy.tell us exactly what you are mishearing!!!we are dying to know!
By mordi, at 29 October, 2006 14:51
replace 'phone' with 'bone' hehe, oh dear...
By Anonymous, at 30 October, 2006 19:11
yo check out the rockovergraceland blog for a mess of classic lps from miss Bobbie shes the best!!she need a comebackgreat bolg btw
By Anonymous, at 12 November, 2006 05:22
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5 comment(s):
any particular songs to recommend?
mordi, at
21 October, 2006 11:09
am i the only one who always mishears some of the lyrics as something rude?
Anonymous, at
27 October, 2006 11:17
well, you DO have a filthy mind spikedcandy.
tell us exactly what you are mishearing!!!
we are dying to know!
mordi, at
29 October, 2006 14:51
replace 'phone' with 'bone' hehe, oh dear...
Anonymous, at
30 October, 2006 19:11
yo check out the rockovergraceland blog for a mess of classic lps from miss Bobbie shes the best!!she need a comeback
great bolg btw
Anonymous, at
12 November, 2006 05:22
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