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please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
hi again mordi! really great performance and really great song.
i don't know if you notice that the original version of this song is from roger nichols in his brilliant album "roger nichols & the small circle of friends".
now in spain, there is a very very roger-nichols-influenced group called "la casa azul" (the blue house in spanish) with similar songs to this one. i think that you could enjoy them. if you don't find anything i can send you anything.
What a lovely record. I don't remember if it was, but it could easily have been played at the Casino back in 79. I loved the pop stuff, but I've always been a soul heretic. I still think Hawaii Five O is a great track to dance to (although, nowadays, it would probably not do my back much good if I tried). Thank you.
Damn that was satisfying! Any Roger Nichols song is all right by me, I guess this was produced by David Axelrod and they got nice hooters so, its all good. Thank you but now I have to hear more of them....
Great to see the Four King Cousins representin', yo! I have a copy of their album on a CD ripped from a vinyl LP, and the whole thing is quite quite fantastic. Those ladies could sing. Wish that it could be officially released.
12 comment(s):
hi again mordi!
really great performance and really great song.
i don't know if you notice that the original version of this song is from roger nichols in his brilliant album "roger nichols & the small circle of friends".
now in spain, there is a very very roger-nichols-influenced group called "la casa azul" (the blue house in spanish) with similar songs to this one.
i think that you could enjoy them. if you don't find anything i can send you anything.
Anonymous, at
24 March, 2006 11:22
What a lovely record. I don't remember if it was, but it could easily have been played at the Casino back in 79. I loved the pop stuff, but I've always been a soul heretic. I still think Hawaii Five O is a great track to dance to (although, nowadays, it would probably not do my back much good if I tried).
Thank you.
MadPriest, at
24 March, 2006 13:14
Damn that was satisfying! Any Roger Nichols song is all right by me, I guess this was produced by David Axelrod and they got nice hooters so, its all good. Thank you but now I have to hear more of them....
Anonymous, at
24 March, 2006 23:21
Has anyone else noticed that the name "Four King Cousins" could easily be misheard as "F**king Cousins"?
Maybe it`s just me!
guapo, at
24 March, 2006 23:54
can't wait for the 'introducing...' cd released in a few weeks time!
mordi, at
25 March, 2006 00:21
Great to see the Four King Cousins representin', yo! I have a copy of their album on a CD ripped from a vinyl LP, and the whole thing is quite quite fantastic. Those ladies could sing. Wish that it could be officially released.
Anonymous, at
25 March, 2006 04:00
This was a surprising treat of a track!
Davecat, at
26 March, 2006 09:32
What "Introducing" CD Mordi? I was about to say "Four King hell! That's brilliant!" but that would be rude and Mr Barf pointed it out already...
Anonymous, at
26 March, 2006 16:55
Oops --- you ran a photo of their MOTHERs - the Four King Sisters... More into at:
Anonymous, at
29 March, 2006 03:06
well that would explain why they look much older than on the album cover!
can anyone find a good sized picture of them? all i can find is very small pics of the album cover.
mordi, at
29 March, 2006 08:26
Great song! The photo is indeed of the moms, the popular singing group from the forties "The King Sisters". See a bio here.
Anonymous, at
24 April, 2006 13:44
hi there, I see qwerty mentions la casa azul, you may like to check them on my blog as I've posted one of their tracks not so long ago.
Riquet, at
25 April, 2006 10:56
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