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Sunday, May 14, 2006

do you like my acid rock?

after hr pufnstuf came this early 70's psychedelic tv show about a band who have wings!
a song guaranteed to cheer you up on a miserable sunday morning.

5 comment(s):

i hadn't thought about the bugaloos in years. thanks so much for the happy memories!

love you!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 14 May, 2006 12:26  

el records have just put out a CD of Bugaloos material in the UK and you can order it via their website or Cheery Red's. Its excellent bubblegum fun

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 14 May, 2006 15:04  

find it here:

By Blogger mordi, at 14 May, 2006 15:08  

The Bugaloos. The Bugaloos. They're in the air and everywhere. Flying high. Flying low... well that's all the lyrics I know, though I'm sure my wife can fill in the rest.
Love these guys (and gal) from Tranquility Forest. I included them on the Blowupdoll mix club CD I'm making, which is made up of Blowupdoll worthy artists that have yet to appear on your blog. Guess I'll have to scratch them now! ;)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 15 May, 2006 02:08  

thanks for this song...it's hilarious yet potentially annoying...yet does what it promises...cheers up grumps

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25 May, 2006 16:36  

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