music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down.
please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
Is anyone else having problems linking to I am a regular visiter to this site, but have been unable to download any songs since the Cher week started. I don't believe it is an issue with Blow-Up Doll, because I have tried to link to from Google and nothing happens!!? I am experiencing no other problems of any kind, anywhere else online. This has me kind of mystified...
4 comment(s):
Is anyone else having problems linking to I am a regular visiter to this site, but have been unable to download any songs since the Cher week started. I don't believe it is an issue with Blow-Up Doll, because I have tried to link to from Google and nothing happens!!? I am experiencing no other problems of any kind, anywhere else online. This has me kind of mystified...
Anonymous, at
21 November, 2008 23:59
Just discovered this site, love it! Thanks!
If anyone's interested, there are some darling caricatures of our favourite '60's French pop-stars Here
PJS, at
22 November, 2008 07:39
thanks patrick - what ace cartoons.
kaltiki - i haven't heard of anyone else having probs with box... has anyone else?
mordi, at
22 November, 2008 11:24
No box problems whatsoever over here in Holland. Looking forward to more 21st C Jane B! Cheers.
Anonymous, at
22 November, 2008 14:59
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