music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down.
please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
this is a profoundly heart-wrenching and lovely track. I'd been looking for it for a while (since I found out it had been some vinyl b-side) so thanks for posting!
6 comment(s):
this is a profoundly heart-wrenching and lovely track.
I'd been looking for it for a while (since I found out it had been some vinyl b-side) so thanks for posting!
beketaten, at
19 September, 2007 04:08
disco romance is a great album! every song is a hit
raremarc, at
19 September, 2007 09:48
So, now that I am a sobbing wreck, tissue-less, I get to go off to bed by myself, the words "not fair" echoing in my heart.
//dramatic moment
p.s. anyone know of a video link for this? I couldn't seem to turn one up, and I'd love to see what they did with it....
Anonymous, at
21 September, 2007 07:15
zshare is a good uploader, but do u know it's also free and without any spam or pop-up
raremarc, at
21 September, 2007 11:05
More Sally is a good thing.
thanks! xoxo, ashley
Ashley Plath, at
22 September, 2007 00:34
Its not available on Z share anymore, can you fix the link? Would love to get this.
Anonymous, at
14 July, 2008 13:48
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