music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down.
please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
FABIENNE DELSOL - WHEN MY MIND IS NOT LIVE while i wait for my copy of her new album, i present you with this top track from the 'no time for sorrows' album. i can't wait for the new album- it's like claudine longet '07!
glad you liked the fab track zencd but i don't upload full albums. If you like what you hear on blowupdoll then you need to go and buy it!!! - you won't be disappointed!
7 comment(s):
two songs of the new album on
have you heard the new vanessa paradis album yet, mordi?
Guuzbourg, at
29 August, 2007 22:48
i'll check them out- thanks!
is the new VP album any good?
mordi, at
30 August, 2007 09:36
SG, at
17 September, 2007 21:30
could you upload any whole her album of sixties?
SG, at
17 September, 2007 21:31
glad you liked the fab track zencd but i don't upload full albums. If you like what you hear on blowupdoll then you need to go and buy it!!! - you won't be disappointed!
mordi, at
18 September, 2007 10:22
ok. thanks anyway for this new acquaintance
SG, at
19 September, 2007 11:05
Thanks for introducing us to Fabienne, Mordi, great track.
Anonymous, at
29 October, 2007 16:26
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