music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down.
please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
FRANCOISE HARDY - REVER LE NEZ EN L'AIR my dad bought me an old vinyl copy of message personnel where i discovered this jolly little gem. enjoy it while i'm away in brighton for a few days.
Dear Mordi, thanx for this blog. If you like all this 'yéyé girls', you MUST to listen (buy !) the record 'La disparition' by Keren Ann ...but I think you've got it
4 comment(s):
Egad Mordi, when aren't you away on holiday?? :-)
Davecat, at
14 August, 2006 19:50
Very nice,have a nice trip.
Bruno, at
15 August, 2006 15:45
Dear Mordi, thanx for this blog. If you like all this 'yéyé girls', you MUST to listen (buy !) the record 'La disparition' by Keren Ann ...but I think you've got it
Anonymous, at
22 August, 2006 08:31
i have a few keren ann cds but not that one- so i'll defo check it out.
mordi, at
24 August, 2006 00:02
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