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music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down. please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
posted by mordi at 07:58
It never ceases to amaze me how you choose such amazing songs to post!Loving your work Mordi ! Dr.B
By Anonymous, at 12 August, 2006 20:13
You should check out 'Discotheque Francais' and 'Jane Falls Down' by the Modern too. Wonderful songs!L
By Anonymous, at 12 August, 2006 20:37
Mordi, I love this song (and your blog) so much that I'm putting this song up on my mp3 & photo blog's weekly mix, and linking to you.Kisses!
By Dane, at 18 August, 2006 03:59
sweet, much too sweet, but dam'it, it's sweet!!
By m_tenenbaum, at 25 August, 2006 22:30
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4 comment(s):
It never ceases to amaze me how you choose such amazing songs to post!
Loving your work Mordi !
Anonymous, at
12 August, 2006 20:13
You should check out 'Discotheque Francais' and 'Jane Falls Down' by the Modern too. Wonderful songs!
Anonymous, at
12 August, 2006 20:37
Mordi, I love this song (and your blog) so much that I'm putting this song up on my mp3 & photo blog's weekly mix, and linking to you.
Dane, at
18 August, 2006 03:59
sweet, much too sweet, but dam'it, it's sweet!!
m_tenenbaum, at
25 August, 2006 22:30
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