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please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
I love El Perro del Mar. I've had the album for about a year now (having bought it in Stockholm)and I just can't seem to get enough of it. It's like the 60's girlgroup sound brought up to date and she always sounds like she's on the brink of bursting into tears. It was actually the very wonderful jens Lekman who made me discover El Perro del Mar (they released a split single together).
Oh and Bob Stanley of Saint Etienne loves her too, which is always a good sign as Bob is a man of impeccable taste !
7 comment(s):
Better than Jenny Wilson
Anonymous, at
18 April, 2006 14:48
She has a very odd yet unique voice, and the whole song has an air of desperation. Plus, she looks like Myra Hindley in the pic you've provided.
Davecat, at
19 April, 2006 03:58
I love El Perro del Mar. I've had the album for about a year now (having bought it in Stockholm)and I just can't seem to get enough of it.
It's like the 60's girlgroup sound brought up to date and she always sounds like she's on the brink of bursting into tears.
It was actually the very wonderful jens Lekman who made me discover El Perro del Mar (they released a split single together).
Oh and Bob Stanley of Saint Etienne loves her too, which is always a good sign as Bob is a man of impeccable taste !
Anonymous, at
19 April, 2006 19:41
Never heard her before, love it, thanks.
yaffle, at
20 April, 2006 22:50
good lord what a cute dog!
and a great song, too.
Anonymous, at
24 April, 2006 03:10
You've done it again. AMAZING.
Cathy, at
24 April, 2006 19:12
AMAZING... repeat, repeat.. thank you, THANK YOU!!
See to the Czar
Anonymous, at
02 May, 2006 17:05
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