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Thursday, June 21, 2012

mordis big day

so today is the day - i'm getting married in a civil partnership to my partner of 20 years!
now what song could we possibly walk down the aisle together to.....?!
find out here!

then we are off to paris for a week, but i promise i'll have a lot more time on my return to dedicate to blowupdoll.

love and marvyness

mordi x

20 comment(s):

Félicitations aux heureux jeunes mariés :)

By Blogger Robert Charbonnier, at 21 June, 2012 16:17  

Congrats, Mordi!

- Paul

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 21 June, 2012 22:00  

Congratulations, sir! Hopefully today will be the start of many fantastic days to come. And if you still love each other after twenty years, they're definitely a keeper. :-)

By Blogger Davecat, at 21 June, 2012 22:34  

Groovy song choice; and somehow it so suits a marching down the aisle! Good luck with the nuptials!

By Blogger lowredmoon, at 22 June, 2012 09:59  

Congratulations to you & your partner! :) And as always, thanks for the great music.

By Anonymous Chris, at 22 June, 2012 14:03  

Tremendous news! I wish you both all love and happiness,



By Anonymous Anonymous, at 22 June, 2012 18:15  

Be sure to visit us here in Connecticut where you and your partner may exercise your equal marriage rights under the law. We have a beach here, as well. And best wishes for a happy and healthy life together.

By Blogger Jay Schiavone, at 22 June, 2012 21:44  

Congrats! Pick up some EPs while you're in Gay Paree.

By Blogger Mark, at 23 June, 2012 18:08  

Meilleurs voeux!
Et bon voyage aussi!

By Anonymous Seb Seb, at 24 June, 2012 18:56  

Congratulations! I wish you both many more years of love + joy together!

By Blogger emily, at 26 June, 2012 16:03  

félicitations !!!!

By Blogger From the avenue, at 30 June, 2012 10:19  

Congratulations from a regular reader

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 01 July, 2012 10:07  

Congratulations to both of you!

By Anonymous matthew h, at 03 July, 2012 03:35  

Tanti tanti auguri!!!
Congratulations with all my heart!

By Anonymous Guido, at 06 July, 2012 18:31  

Congratulations Mordi! I am sure you will select exactly the right soundtrack to this occasion.

Enjoy your momentous day and thanks for your blog as always.

Best wishes,


By Blogger Onion Town, at 06 July, 2012 19:00  

massive thanks guys! xxx

By Blogger mordi, at 06 July, 2012 20:26  

Congratulations. I wish you both the very, very best. However, people sometimes change when they get married, so I just hope you don't stop this blog to focus on matrimony.

By Blogger Dolmance, at 08 July, 2012 06:29  

Slow off the mark here, but... congratulations!

By Anonymous terry northern, at 12 July, 2012 21:21  

Félicitations Mordi!
I just read about it :)

Vive les mariés!!!


By Blogger jean, at 14 July, 2012 09:47  

salut mordi!

my sister Jeanne ↑above↑ just told me about you and your partner's big day. congratulations and all the best to you both.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 25 July, 2012 22:38  

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