picture post - thursday

this sweet song is co-written by j.m. riviere which is a name that seems to pop up many times on the credits on the back of records. he's also written for brigitte bardot, francosie hardy, france gall and dalida.
Labels: french 60s, sylvie vartan
1 comment(s):
Youtube has a treasure trove of early Sylvie Vartan ' Scopitone ' & television works which I encourage her fans to check out. ( The Scopitones were these zany video juke boxes which were placed in cafes, bars, & restaurants. ) Youtube has such Scopitone ( & television ) gems as 1) -- Sylvie Vartan "Si Je Chante" (Scopitone) --; 2) -- Sylvie Vartan Locomotion (1962 Scopitone film) Melody Full --; 3) -- Sylvie Vartan -- Je voudrais etre un garcon 65 (son CD) --; 4) Si je Chante. Sylvie Vartan --; &, the piece - de - resistance, 5) Dans tes bras 1965 --. Every week, I seem to accidentally uncover more gems. Last week, I discovered -- Sylvie Vartan: La Plus Belle Pour Aller Danser (1963, Cherchez l'Idole) --; &, then, the delightful -- Sylvie Vartan -- Twiste Et Chante [Very Good(+) quality] (Scopitone) --.
Every man wanted to marry Sylvie in the 1960s ; every girl wanted to be her.
Thank you for your blog !!! :)
-- reader
Anonymous, at
28 January, 2011 10:53
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