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Sunday, April 10, 2005

oogy mouth

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she's gone 80's influenced electro pop. does it work? is it any good? is she 2 years too late? you decide...

click kelly here

8 comment(s):

Have you seen the video for this? OK song, and a sweet concept (though sure to go over the heads of 99.9% of her fanbase), but Kelly's definitely no Anna Karina. Someone should send a copy to JLG and see what he has to say . . .

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10 April, 2005 19:46  

I like the song, although former fans of Kelly's work might be confused by the extreme change in direction.

There's some definite airbrushing on that single sleeve however!

By Blogger Andrew, at 10 April, 2005 21:22  

I am actually surprised to find myself liking that tune!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11 April, 2005 16:30  

i'm surprised too - i have to admit i like it! the vocals are very kelly...

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11 April, 2005 20:21  

Sounds like Visage's Fade to Grey...Not real impressed

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12 April, 2005 05:06  

I'm liking it. It's not AMAZING but it certainly could grow. It sounds like it could be taken straight off Holly Valance's second album.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 14 April, 2005 12:40  

I would prefer it IF Holly had sung this. Although I like the song, i still can't get away from the fact that's it's sung by a moody spoiled brat who will sing anything if it will provide a hit.
My problem with Kelly is that I just dont BELIEVE her, if you know what I mean!

By Blogger mordi, at 15 April, 2005 09:02  

OK a few days later, and this is GREAT.

I'm singing it lots. Yes it bothers me that it is Kelly Osbourne, but hot damn its good.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 22 April, 2005 15:44  

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