music of the year 2017
i know i post sporadically and i have no idea if anyone will read this or will even care! but here is my list anyway.
the usual mix of cool french women, scandi dolls, 60's chicks, a flashback and an occasional man (french naturally!)
is there anyone i've missed?
do you have an recommendations for me?
9 comment(s):
Happy New Year!
(Subscribed to your blog a few years ago, thank you for all the great music and artists!
Anonymous, at
27 December, 2017 20:17
thank you - happy new year to you too :)
mordi, at
28 December, 2017 10:47
Still read and do care! Thanks for all the posts! Happy New Year!
matthew h, at
01 January, 2018 01:06
ahh thanks matthew :)
mordi, at
07 January, 2018 11:10
Dear Mordi, I've been reading since 2008 in Bogotá, Colombia! Thanks for all the years of wonderful music and please keep posting for us your hardcore fans. Happy New year!
PS: Have you created a Spotify playlist out of all these wonderful hits you post here? I've missed a bunch of your downloads, specially from the earlier years of blowup doll. Wondering if there's such a thing from you... would be great to have.
Happy 2018!!
Juan D. Obando, at
07 January, 2018 20:34
Thanks Juan. A spotify playlist is a good idea. I wonder if all the songs I've posted would be on there. I do listen to spotify but I don't pay for it - which I guess I'd need to in order to have playlists.
I'll think about it! :)
mordi, at
12 January, 2018 18:32
I was so excited about the new Charlotte Gainsbourg album, been playing it constantly ever since i had it delivered in mid november!
Other favourites of mine from last year are Clara Luciani's "Monstre d'Amour" EP, and her new song "La Grenade" is great!
Also Juniore's "Ouh Lá Lá", Polo & Pan's "Caravelle", Calypso Valois'(Dughter of Ellie & Jacno) "Cannibale" and Etienne Daho's "Blitz" have been echoing over my environs in the past year/months.
Tutta Rolf, at
20 January, 2018 17:23
almost forgot; Juliette Armanet!
Tutta Rolf, at
20 January, 2018 17:25
Thanks for that Tutta. I've been listening to La Grenade a lot recently so i will definitely check out her EP as well as your other recommendations
mordi, at
23 January, 2018 18:02
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