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music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down. please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
Labels: france gall, french 70s, serge gainsbourg, video
posted by mordi at 10:51
Ooh, a video for this! And yes, another less than subtle lyric from Gainsbourg.(Hey there mordi... remember me? ;))
By Christine, at 13 February, 2016 05:04
SPIKED CANDY!!!!! how the bloody hell are you?!
By mordi, at 13 February, 2016 17:08
Pas mal. And you? Glad to see you are keeping up the good work here ;)
By Christine, at 14 February, 2016 05:15
Love this song, been trying to get the 7" for ages but it always goes for a bomb
By Unknown, at 21 February, 2016 19:47
I've just come back from France and I didn't see it at any of the flea markets or vinyl stores but I did get 'home tout petit'
By mordi, at 23 February, 2016 15:23
By mordi, at 23 February, 2016 15:24
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6 comment(s):
Ooh, a video for this! And yes, another less than subtle lyric from Gainsbourg.
(Hey there mordi... remember me? ;))
Christine, at
13 February, 2016 05:04
SPIKED CANDY!!!!! how the bloody hell are you?!
mordi, at
13 February, 2016 17:08
Pas mal. And you?
Glad to see you are keeping up the good work here ;)
Christine, at
14 February, 2016 05:15
Love this song, been trying to get the 7" for ages but it always goes for a bomb
Unknown, at
21 February, 2016 19:47
I've just come back from France and I didn't see it at any of the flea markets or vinyl stores but I did get 'home tout petit'
mordi, at
23 February, 2016 15:23
mordi, at
23 February, 2016 15:24
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