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music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down. please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
Labels: french 10s, melanie laurent
posted by mordi at 15:05
I closed my eyes and listen to it and couldn't agree more, it's so beautiful and sad at the same time..
By BeatRoot, at 04 December, 2013 12:50
that is very good, never heard of her, need more!
By Unknown, at 04 December, 2013 21:00
triste .. but lovely, I like the lyrics.Nice post title, btw :)
By Darby, at 04 December, 2013 21:04
you all must buy her album - one my albums of the year (last year? perhaps the year before!?)
By mordi, at 06 December, 2013 17:10
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4 comment(s):
I closed my eyes and listen to it and couldn't agree more, it's so beautiful and sad at the same time..
BeatRoot, at
04 December, 2013 12:50
that is very good, never heard of her, need more!
Unknown, at
04 December, 2013 21:00
triste .. but lovely, I like the lyrics.
Nice post title, btw :)
Darby, at
04 December, 2013 21:04
you all must buy her album - one my albums of the year (last year? perhaps the year before!?)
mordi, at
06 December, 2013 17:10
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