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posted by mordi at 08:41
corynne charby of course ! but emmanuelle is beautiful in 8 femmes
By jflagoanere, at 30 June, 2008 23:51
It's impossible to choose between them 2 !!!!
By patrickmettraux, at 03 July, 2008 18:50
emmanuelle béart wins
By Almie Clarissa Darling, at 04 July, 2008 05:04
it's corynne for me but i think emmanuelle pulls it off really well in the film
By mordi, at 05 July, 2008 12:14
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4 comment(s):
corynne charby of course ! but emmanuelle is beautiful in 8 femmes
jflagoanere, at
30 June, 2008 23:51
It's impossible to choose between them 2 !!!!
patrickmettraux, at
03 July, 2008 18:50
emmanuelle béart wins
Almie Clarissa Darling, at
04 July, 2008 05:04
it's corynne for me but i think emmanuelle pulls it off really well in the film
mordi, at
05 July, 2008 12:14
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