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Labels: 60s, margo guryan
posted by mordi at 10:11
hithis new french singer might be of interrest, talked this morning about Françoise Hardybye
By Le Lezard Noir, at 20 April, 2008 18:26
thanks, but part of the link is missing! who are you talking about?!
By mordi, at 20 April, 2008 19:10
sorry this one
By Le Lezard Noir, at 22 April, 2008 12:21
Hi Mordi-Just wanted to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed Margo Guryan week--I had never heard of her before and now I'm definitely a fan!Keep up the good work!-jesse
By Anonymous, at 22 April, 2008 16:45
thanks jesse - that's exactly the reason why blowupdoll exists!
By mordi, at 22 April, 2008 18:16
thanks le lezard noir - i liked it, it reminded me of vanessa paradis (a good thing of course!)x
By mordi, at 22 April, 2008 18:20
Thanks for these mg tracks, I missed the first two unfortunately. I will keep a look out for the album.
By Anonymous, at 25 April, 2008 20:47
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7 comment(s):
this new french singer might be of interrest,
she talked this morning about Françoise Hardy
Le Lezard Noir, at
20 April, 2008 18:26
thanks, but part of the link is missing! who are you talking about?!
mordi, at
20 April, 2008 19:10
sorry this one
Le Lezard Noir, at
22 April, 2008 12:21
Hi Mordi-
Just wanted to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed Margo Guryan week--I had never heard of her before and now I'm definitely a fan!
Keep up the good work!
Anonymous, at
22 April, 2008 16:45
thanks jesse - that's exactly the reason why blowupdoll exists!
mordi, at
22 April, 2008 18:16
thanks le lezard noir - i liked it, it reminded me of vanessa paradis (a good thing of course!)
mordi, at
22 April, 2008 18:20
Thanks for these mg tracks, I missed the first two unfortunately. I will keep a look out for the album.
Anonymous, at
25 April, 2008 20:47
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