music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down.
please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
Hi Jordi, thank you for fabulous songs uve been sharing with us the last years! I would have another Brigitte rarity enquiry: do u have or do u know anyone who'd have BB's 'Toutes les betes sont a aimer'? It's an 80s song though, but still her...never heard it but I'm dying to have it!
4 comment(s):
oh i love this week
i hope you post un jour comme un autre, i can't find that song anywhere!
dario, at
03 March, 2008 22:39
Thanks for the great songs! I really appreciate it.
Anonymous, at
04 March, 2008 00:43
hi db- i wasn't planning to post that song- but i may add an extra day to the week just for you...!
mordi, at
04 March, 2008 15:17
Hi Jordi, thank you for fabulous songs uve been sharing with us the last years! I would have another Brigitte rarity enquiry: do u have or do u know anyone who'd have BB's 'Toutes les betes sont a aimer'? It's an 80s song though, but still her...never heard it but I'm dying to have it!
Anonymous, at
06 March, 2008 14:14
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