hail the return of lolita
after a very long wait, she's back with a new album 'psychedelices'. it's a really good album that proves she can manage perfectly well without mylene farmer! go and buy it now!
after a very long wait, she's back with a new album 'psychedelices'. it's a really good album that proves she can manage perfectly well without mylene farmer! go and buy it now!
4 comment(s):
I's also available on Amazon in the US: Psychedelices.
Comparing prices, it's cheaper for folks in the US.
Paul Motsuk, at
12 December, 2007 15:20
is the URL that I failed to post above.
Paul Motsuk, at
12 December, 2007 15:21
i found it deeply disappointing :(
She looks cute as ever though!!
beketaten, at
12 December, 2007 19:25
I don't think my post has anything to do with Alizée, but I had to post something! Make my Christmas please... I'm working really hard to get Zouzou's collection, and I don't know if you have some music! Thank you really much! By the way your blog is great, you have many, many artists I didn't know before!
Greetings, José Pablo (Mexico. 16) pretelin_2@hotmail.com
Anonymous, at
16 December, 2007 21:32
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