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music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down. please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
posted by mordi at 09:35
Thanks, Mordi! I can't wait for the rest!I do have a few more requests but I'll be nice and wait until the Clothilde run is over... : )(This comment is from the person who originally asked for Clothilde on Sunday)
By Anonymous, at 01 November, 2007 20:50
I've told you before, but I'll say it again: this song haunts me! So familiar, yet so strange...childhood flashback...thanks for the post...
By nehoccramcire, at 02 November, 2007 19:11
102, 103 is definitively one of my Clothilde's favourite songs. Her voice always sounds like an angel and the lyrics are really clever.
By Infrason, at 05 November, 2007 04:51
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3 comment(s):
Thanks, Mordi! I can't wait for the rest!
I do have a few more requests but I'll be nice and wait until the Clothilde run is over... : )
(This comment is from the person who originally asked for Clothilde on Sunday)
Anonymous, at
01 November, 2007 20:50
I've told you before, but I'll say it again: this song haunts me! So familiar, yet so strange...childhood flashback...thanks for the post...
nehoccramcire, at
02 November, 2007 19:11
102, 103 is definitively one of my Clothilde's favourite songs. Her voice always sounds like an angel and the lyrics are really clever.
Infrason, at
05 November, 2007 04:51
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