music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down.
please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
BARBARA RUSKIN - PAWNBROKER, PAWNBROKER 1968 song from this often forgotten about groovy london doll. believe me, it will be the best brit doll song you've heard for a long long time.
DIANE & ANNITA - GROOVY KIND OF LOVE the original version of this song from 1965 is totally marvy, i know you'll love it! (anyone got a picture of diane & annita?)
MARY WEISS - DATING COURTESY TIPS while i'm away for a week holidaying in lisbon, i'll leave you with some wise words about dating from mary weiss from the shangri-las. listen and learn...!
CLOTHILDE - SAPERLIPOPETTE i get loads of emails from people asking me to re-post all 10 clothilde tracks. so starting today i will post a song every week or so until your collection is complete! first up- probably my favourite one of them all...
GILLIAN HILLS - RIEN N'EST CHANGE my last gillian post received no comments - but despite this, i will persevere and bring you a truly amazing gillian track. i also present to you this new picture of gillian that i've never seen on the net- it comes from my musty copy of salut les copains. (click to enlarge)