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music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down. please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
posted by mordi at 13:05
That "FameForever" person on youtube is saving my life. Season 2 needs to be out on DVD, like, yesterday.
By Anonymous, at 19 September, 2006 01:24
i know! 'fameforever' made my day when i discovered all the season 2 when doris does the wizard of oz?!!!!
By mordi, at 19 September, 2006 15:08
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2 comment(s):
That "FameForever" person on youtube is saving my life. Season 2 needs to be out on DVD, like, yesterday.
Anonymous, at
19 September, 2006 01:24
i know! 'fameforever' made my day when i discovered all the clips.
is season 2 when doris does the wizard of oz?!!!!
mordi, at
19 September, 2006 15:08
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