music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down.
please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
SHIRLEY ELLIS - THE NAME GAME love this. another fantata song for you from mordi mordi bo bordi bonana fanna fo fordi fee fy mo ordi mordi p.s.- if you don't like this song- you are shit.
One of my faves as a child. I was about 5 when I was at a family dinner. I was asked to say grace at the table. As my Aunt Grace was in attendance, I said "Grace Grace bo bace, banana fanna mo mace..."
9 comment(s):
One of my faves as a child. I was about 5 when I was at a family dinner. I was asked to say grace at the table. As my Aunt Grace was in attendance, I said "Grace Grace bo bace, banana fanna mo mace..."
MadCatJoey, at
14 June, 2006 15:56
that's great! i never knew quite how that went.
Anonymous, at
14 June, 2006 19:39
ooh, mordi...
waaaay fab track!!!
thank you *****
Anonymous, at
15 June, 2006 11:24
That's a great song,I remember the version by Soupy Sales! :)
Bruno, at
15 June, 2006 17:53
thank you all for not being shit!
mordi, at
15 June, 2006 20:54
good thing she didn't know anyone named Buck!
Anonymous, at
17 June, 2006 01:33
And you say no-one leaves comments...
Great song. Glad you like Mordi
Anonymous, at
18 June, 2006 17:14
Fuck that song, worst one on this site so far... fuck all novelty songs, actually
I wouldnt have bothered commenting about it except for the lame postscript
Anonymous, at
26 June, 2006 07:00
you are shit then!
mordi, at
08 July, 2006 08:24
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