music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down.
please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
mordi, i've been traveling for the last 5 months and every once in a while, i return home and look on your site. then i find these fantastic songs that make me so happy and make me love music. thanks for it all.
6 comment(s):
mordi, i've been traveling for the last 5 months and every once in a while, i return home and look on your site. then i find these fantastic songs that make me so happy and make me love music. thanks for it all.
Anonymous, at
28 November, 2005 05:28
thanks itty - what a top comment!
it makes me very happy to know that people are enjoying 'my' music!
mordi, at
28 November, 2005 10:00
fab :)
Anonymous, at
29 November, 2005 07:28
its brilliant!
twang twang twang indeed. can we have some more purleaseeeee!
Anonymous, at
30 November, 2005 12:21
I adore Utada's cd, and that has been my favorite song off the album. I think I've included it in about 90% of my mix cds since it came out.
Stupidly, I can't seem to get ANYONE into this album.
In five years they will all be kicking themselves. It's awesome!
Anonymous, at
01 December, 2005 18:36
wow, i wasn't expecting that!
there's some really credible electronica in there.
i'm onto my 3rd listen.
you're ace, mordi.
Anonymous, at
03 December, 2005 21:19
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