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Thursday, July 16, 2009

stone week - thursday

i only need 2 more songs and then i can bring you a second stone week...

(i have le marche, baby stone, fille ou garcon, les framboises and patati et patata- does anyone have any other songs?)

9 comment(s):

Someone SHOULD have her Gainsbourg cover Buffalo Bill. I've been coming here every day expecting it.

By Anonymous Calmer, at 17 July, 2009 00:13  

i have "gout j'ai du gout"... i think 1970. readysteadygirls website calls it "sub-standard".


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 17 July, 2009 04:49  

i don't have it :(

does ANYONE?!

By Blogger mordi, at 17 July, 2009 11:04  

i'd love to hear the sub standard track! any chance you could email it to me?

By Blogger mordi, at 17 July, 2009 11:06  

Really enjoying these songs, mordi! You're doing a BRILLIANT job, young man! :-)

Looking forward to hearing more Stone next week.

Is there an actual CD of her stuff?

By Blogger The Adolescent 46 Year Old, at 17 July, 2009 20:20  

Hello mordi! This is JP from Mexico, can we have a Valerie Lagrange week? That would b just amazing!

By Blogger José Pablo, at 18 July, 2009 05:11  

i might only be able to manage a valerie lagrange weekend!

thanks for the later stone songs i have been sent- but does anyone have any other beatnik groovers (pre 1970)?

By Blogger mordi, at 18 July, 2009 09:45  

i neeeed stone's les framboises...

By Anonymous winston, at 18 July, 2009 22:24  

Dang! Looking at this post again, I realise that I misread your comment about needing two more songs before you bringing us lucky people a second Stone week! As Mr Simpson would say (when played by Michael Caine that is): "B'oh!" ;-)

Hope you get your 2 Stone songs soon so you can share them with us.

I think she's on various compilations, but is there an actual CD with just her on it? I'd be happy to buy it if that were the case. :-)

By Blogger The Adolescent 46 Year Old, at 21 July, 2009 17:23  

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