music is available for a limited time only. if i am infringing on copyright email me and i will take the post down.
please leave comments and enjoy blowupdoll!
DIANE & ANNITA - GROOVY KIND OF LOVE the original version of this song from 1965 is totally marvy, i know you'll love it! (anyone got a picture of diane & annita?)
3 comment(s):
I'm having so much trouble downloading your songs lately. They're saving as html files and when I try to change the extension, they don't work. Help?
Alicia, at
19 May, 2007 04:50
hi alicia - don't right click save as- as i am using z share at the moment, click the link and then download from that page.
enjoy x
mordi, at
19 May, 2007 08:22
Eee! I'd always wondered who did the original version ^__^
Thanks :D!
beketaten, at
22 May, 2007 00:42
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